How to take great pictures (with a not so great camera).

How to take great pictures

You don’t have to have a state of the art camera to take good pictures. You can use a disposable camera or even your phone. The important thing is to use proper lighting and to center the subject matter (you) correctly.

Your Backdrop

First, make sure that you have a clutter-free background. For example, you don’t want to pose right in front of a sink full of dishes; or a wall that is not attractive. Make sure that the “backdrop” (area behind you) is presentable. If you can’t find anything appropriate to pose in front of, just hang a white sheet over a door, and smooth out the wrinkles. Try taking a picture with and without flash. All cameras and lighting situations are different. Just experiment. Don’t make this too hard. It’s an important step and you owe it to yourself to do this successfully. Take your time and do your best.

Getting the Most out of Your Camera

Now, if you have a camera that has different features, go ahead and take advantage of them, particularly the red-eye reduction button. Let me stress again, you don’t need a million dollar camera for this. Take several photo shoots, and compare the results; it’s that straightforward.


As mentioned above, you want the “you” in the photo to be centered. Try to make sure your entire head is in the view finder (yes, you really should have someone take your picture for you). Nonetheless, I actually did take a pretty good picture of myself by looking in the mirror. Then I turned the camera on myself and clicked. It took several tries, but it worked. Why am I telling you this? Because it would be better for you to have an average looking picture that you took yourself, at 3 in the morning when no one was up, then to take no picture at all. Please don’t skip this step.

“Practice (and preparation) makes perfect”

Take the rest of the day to get the best portrait pictures you possibly can. Enlist someone to be your photographer. If your camera has a timer feature and no one is on hand to help, put your camera on a tripod and take your own photo. Style your hair. Smile. Look natural and don’t be stiff. Imagine yourself making millions of dollars online. Smile for your adoring fans. Do some self-talk (“I’m rich, I’m wonderful”) to get that confidence going. Then click, compare, and repeat.

New Year’s Resolutions Posts

Tell me, reader, why is it that we make impossible New Year’s goals, that we know we will fail at? I think it’s because we get obsessed with goal setting rather than goal reaching. Goal setting is what happens when twenty people say, “So what are YOUR New Year’s resolutions?” and we think, “hmmm, what should I resolve to do” ?

But now, Goal Reaching is different; It works like this…”what do I want to accomplish by the end of this year?” That’s goal reaching.

Now, take that year-end goal, and break it down. Season by season. Month by month. Week by week. Day by day.

Now here’s the deal. If you didn’t come up with some flaky resolution that sounded good, you will take the time to plan this goal out, because it’s what you really want to accomplish (not what sounds good to everyone).

Here are some “Reach your New Year’s Resolutions”  posts from last year which really dive deep into the whole psychology of setting New Years goals that get met.

How to REALLY generate leads, which are really leads, not garbage

You may not be as attractive as she is, but possibly almost as smug once you get this thing right 🙂

Come on, people, talk to me…we all want it…great leads that really ARE leads! Prospects who actually want what you have, want it RIGHT NOW, and have the moolah to get it.

A lot of my readers have the sales funnel thing down. They know how to set up a lead capture form, and they have some website. Technically, their system may be sound. But when it comes to content, and the art factor, there are gaps.

STEP ONE ~ Make Sure Your Website or Landing Page Is The Best It Can Be.

So many people over look this fact, but think about it…if you have a bunch of broken links on your site, if people see “Site Title” or “This is an about page” on your incomplete website, they are not going to think you are for real.

I have to mention this because I see so many blogs that are drop dead gorgeous (like the model) but they have no warmth, no human touch, or webpages that don’t link together in a conversational, topical flow. You need to have a capture form on the home page of your blog, if lead generation is your thing. But less is more…don’t take up all the space on your landing page with a lead form. That screams spam and will lead to high exit rates….which will plummet your rankings.

Instead, You want your capture form to be something your reader looks for, not something they impulsively punch (which always clogs your “filter” full of dead, tire-kicking leads).  Make the capture page, landing page, and or homepage look as inviting as possible.

STEP TWO ~Have a great quality lead magnet.

We all know that lead magnets are a great way to get people to leave their info, but if it’s not a lead that provides value, then your reader will unsubscribe.

Just in case you don’t know, the term “lead magnet” is just marketing lingo for anything that provides your reader with information. But. In only works if its something the reader wants. Like, really bad.

When you are crafting your lead magnet, it needs to be all it can be. Make sure that it’s not some flim flammy lead magnet, but that it really provides inside information about your topic. If it isn’t so good that most people would gladly pay at least $20 for your fresh info, then you aren’t providing enough info, or your info is stale. That is NOT the kind of lead magnet you want to give people. Your lead magnet needs to be the highest quality lead you can give, without giving away too much.

Note for those who sell info products:  I get this question all the time…how do I know how much information to give in my lead magnet, without revealing what’s in my course? If you are concerned about this, it could be that you simply don’t have enough fresh info to go around. So if you are always stressing over whether or not you are giving away too much, then you may need some more info on your topic. Which brings us to our next point:

STEP THREE ~ Always remember….info is free on the internet.

Think about what you are offering…would you give up your own email address to acquire this info if you didn’t have this knowledge? Or would you google in the question? The information you provide has to be something that every one asks, but few talk about.

The purpose of “the list”.

Think about why you are building a list. Why? So that you can keep sending stale info to people who are going to unsubscribe? No, your answer should be, Iam  building a list of people who I am going to develop rapport “.  This is vital because you want them to sense you character, your values and your personality. That’ really is the only way to get more people to buy from you…free info is everywhere, but your reader doesn’t know who to trust.




You shouldn’t go about getting leads so that you can pitch your


Think about this dynamic.

You want their email address.

They want your info.

You want their email address so that ultimately, you can sell to them.

They want your newsletter for info, not for a sales pitch.

The only way they will buy your info product is if it’s something that they can’t get anywhere else…for free. Or, if it’s info that answers the question that they don’t know the question to. Or, they just like you and want to know your take on marketing.

Also, some people just like collecting knowledge.

But it has to be fresh knowledge, or they won’t buy from you.

Here’s the question that you need to be asking yourself if you want to gather leads that actually convert into sales:

What “bottom line it”,  what “get to the point’,  what “sum it all up” answer is my prospect looking for?

Is it “How to get traffic”?  Is it how to solve this or that problem…for good? Is it how to get sales? How to keep their boyfriend/girlfriend? How to lose weight? How to pass their finals? Whatever it is that you are selling, it has to answer a question, or solve a problem. The answer or solution to this question or problem is what you need to give your reader in their lead magnet.

Conclusion: When done right, lead magnets are a great way to gather leads off of the internet. Your info piece must be the highest quality possible, in order to attract leads.  The information you send should be of the freshest quality, meant to instill trust in your reader, and to educate them.

Sometimes it is a delicate balance between providing info, and mentioning your product. You should take the time to educate yourself fully on how to create great meaty, personable articles that pull your subscriber into your world (a.k.a., your blog), ultimately resulting in sales.

I hope this article has given you some ideas on how to craft an information piece which will truly educate your reader.

If you would like to learn more about how to write newsletters (which really contain news ) and create awesome lead magnets including cheat sheets, custom data graphs, and special reports to wow your reader, than check out my tutorial here.

Share more

girls sharing lunch

Did you ever find a great article online that was so inspiring, informative, or awesome that you just wanted to tell the world?

If you aren’t a marketer, you may spend your days sharing funny blog posts on your FaceBook page; or uploading other’s material to your chatty blog.

But now, if you’re a marketer, you probably conserve your time for more important things such as content or ad creation or starting your next new affiliate launch.

The truth is, most marketers don’t spend time sharing one another’s product, because they don’t see how they will benefit personally.

I mean, let’s get real here…if you aren’t being relational about your marketing, if cultivating online friendships isn’t part of your bottom line, then chances are, you will find things like sharing content to be a waste of time.

The truth is, when you share other’s content, you are entering into a potential symbiotic relationship where suddenly, others want to share your content in turn.

Another reason it helps to share content is that when you do,  you are building content on your website.  And while you don’t want to do this all the time, done selectively, sharing content does help your bottom line because sharing builds traffic as well as relationships, hopefully increasing viewership which results in sales.

I talk all about this in my bonus section of my eCourse Blogging Basics.  The bonus is titled  “How to share others content (and why would you even want to )”  but guess what? It’s  your turn to receive something for free      (remember, the title of this is post is all about sharing).

Claim the details here

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The Power of Encouragement

Have you ever had one of those day where you doubted yourself?

Maybe you’ve been pouring your heart and soul into a project, but there have been no results.

And maybe there’s no one there to “pump you up” or root you on to success.
Did you know that at times like this, you can absolutely encourage yourself.
Self-encouragement is not narcissistic. We read that King David did it all the time.

Today if you are struggling with self doubt or discouragement, do a little self-talk and remind yourself of all that you have accomplished.

Still having trouble with that? just pretend you are encouraging someone just like you. What  would you notice about their achievements?

Would you ever talk down to them and tell them that they were a failure?

I think that it’s time that we start showing ourselves the same respect that we would show
someone we loved.

After alll, the Bible says to love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Yes, scripture commands us to love ourselves. (you can’t give what you don’t have).

So today I would like to encourage you to encourage yourself in the same way that you would encourage another.

You are awesome!
Now go add to that list of adjectives, and spend the morning building yourself up!
Five things I like about me:
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.

Five things I’m good at:

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.

Three things others like about me:

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
 Looking to get some inspiration in your marketing? Grab one of my downloads. Or, sign up for daily inspiration here:

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Why you remain anonymous (roadblocks to posting your photo online)

This is part 3 of a series. I’m a bit of a non conformist, so I’m kind of working backwards here. Check back for more soon!

The hillbilly complex

I could also call this the ugly duckling compex, but the phenomenon which is most common is when people on a bread and butter income think that they must have a top of the line outfit in order to look professional. I’ve heard all of the excuses and I’m getting tired of them, so here they are (along with a rebuttal).

Excuse number one for not posting a picture on line:

“I’m  a private Person”

Yes, dear, I know; but you were bold enough to pose for your driver’s license and you survived. Being camera shy is a poor excuse

“Um (giggle), no you don’t understand…I’m uncomfortable having other’s see me”

Okay, human, I get it. But we do need some photo of you, so how about this…wear a bag over your head and be this famous comic. Seriously, human, we need a photo


(Blush) oh you are the funny one. Seriously though, I can’t do a picture because, well, I’m not attractive

Yes, I agree you are not model material. But don’t you get it? Neither am I, and I have experienced better  traffic when showing my face.

“I have bad teeth”

So scold them, and close your lips

“What if some dangerous person sees my picture”

Let’s hope they buy your product (business is business, and you don’t need to respond to any marriage proposals on your contact form).

Seriously, reader, you are not so ugly or so beautiful that anyone is going to care. There are millions of websites.You WILL get through this….just don’t leave your personal contact information online if you are having a panic attack right now.

“I am truly repulsive looking”

Then I ‘m sure you won’t mind if other homely people are drawn to your product. Please, get over yourself and post some photo

“I am too embarrassed to have other people see my ugly face”

They’d be embarrassed to have you see theirs or refreshed that you showed yours.

Now that’s the ugly duckling version of why people won’t do photos,  but there are also people who think that if they show their photo, they won’t be the kind of person that their readers were hoping to see. And if that’s you, then you need to know that when you show your photo, you automatically draw a whole circle of people who trust you more because now they now know what you look like.  Try it and see!

Barbara Streisand–an example of unconventional beauty

The Fruitless Act of Beating Yourself Up.

Reader, have you ever begun the day by pouring over everything you forgot to do, failed to do, or failed at doing?
It’s so easy for us to focus on things left undone, or done poorly but the truth is, none of that mindset is helpful.

In psychology, they say you gravitate toward things that give you pleasure. For example, if you are really good at something, or if you really enjoy something, you will focus most of your attention there. I call it your sweet spot
…that place you go to for comfort whether it’s icecream or Facebook.

But your sweet spot isn’t always just a place that makes you feel good. Sometimes it’s a place of accomplishment…
an action that you can easily check off your list. Even if it’s not the most important thing on the list, at least it’s doable, and “done” feels so good. This is why so many people spend their life on easily completed tasks, or video games, because they get an immediate rush of accomplishment–eveb if it’s just scoring on “candy crush”.

And lot’s of time, your sweet spot is is just a place that gives you a sense of fulfillment. There’s nothing wrong with that. But here’s the deal…
if you don’t feel that sense of pleasure, fulfillment or accomplishment, you will most likely avoid that task or duty which is most important.

Most of our tasks fall within a certain heirarchy of importance. And while crushing it a candy crush might feel good right now, the truth is, we all feel of sense of emptiness, after the initial rush of check something off the list, if the things we checked off aren’t of the highest priority. That’s why it’s so important to rank things on your to do list, in order of importance.

But again, knowing something is important doesn’t mean we will prioritize it, even if we star it, highlight it, and put a post it note on our nose.

I call it the “ugh” factor. “ugh! I have to do these dishes. Ugh! I have to call my high maintenace uncle who’s in memory care (yea, that one….the one who wants to chew your ears off). Ugh! I have to cram for this test”. As you can see, a lot of things with the ugh factor are 12 times ughlier by putting them off, rather than pacing them, and planning ahead. But some tasks are so truly gnarly that even thinking about them causes brain cramp. Clearly, we need all of the good vibes we can get going on to even approach the topic in our minds.

This is why it’s so important to reward yourself, and to make that high priority task as stress free and enjoyable as possible.
So how is that done? Well the first step is in not focusing on the past. If you know you’ve blown it in some area,
stop ruminating about it and instead, plan how to be successful next time.

It’s hard to begin setting goals for the new year when you look at that goal list from last year and think, “Ugh!
I’ve been trying to get this task done for 15 years with zero follow through.” This is why most people don’t write new years resolutions.

But today is a new day, and while that might seem overly optimisitic and naive, the truth is, this is the exact mindset which all innovators took in their quest to succeed.

Edison, who invented the lightbulb, related that every time he made a mistake, he was encourged. He was one step closer to finding the right way. And in case you don’t know, Thomas Edison made thousands of attempts at creating the light bulb before he got it right.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”

Consider today a new day to try something a new way. Today is a new day to try a method that motivates,
relieves stress, and creates follow through. Today, how about writing down every single thing you need to do, and designating a time for it?


Blogging Basics


Have you ever been on a blog that seemed simply awesome, until you realized, it had no posts? Or maybe the post it did have, read, “This is a blog post. To edit me….” \My favorite is that cheezy tag line that WordPress puts on your title by default “this website is the bees knees”. I don’t know how many websites I’ve seen (including some older ones of mine that are unedited) which look fabulous, but have that “bees’ knees” tagline (howl). It’s so hysterical when you make a great blog with sidebars and java script, only to look at it..REALly look at it…two months later, and find something like this:

bees knees

I imagine there may be a website that could make a tagline like that work. If you look closely, this clothing website has the tag line, “This Boutique is the Bees Knees”. When I browsed their site, it did actually seem to be the kind of store that worked with that style of tagline.  I thought it was adorable.

The original saying “That’s the bee’s knees” is actually a slang phrase way back when, so I would guess not many people use it any more. I also found out, it is the name of a mixed drink. Whether or not others know this without searching on Google, I have no idea. Still, if that’s not the image you want, you may want to replace it. Obviously, WordPress is hoping that when you see the tagline, you will cringe and change it. Sadly, most blog master don’t notice this when creating their blog.

I can not tell you how many blue chip quality blogs I have seen, with hundreds of viewers, that have this embarrassing gap, so if you just noticed your blog has this issue, take heart.

Perhaps you’re like me; youmay have burnt through blog tutorials that try to show you how to make your blog, dance, rock and shine.

But most of them don’t really show you how to get the basics down so that you have an attractive, organized, professional looking blog. So many of you have real promise in your blog. I can tell you are creative and intelligent, and have designed skills. But just like someone in a gorgeous outfit with their zipper open, you have….well, I have to whisper it because it’s embarrasing (gaps, okay)?   What are friends for, right?

In my e-course, “Blogging Basics” I take you back, back… back…. to the starting line where good blogs begin.  I’m talking about ground zero, from the tagline to the footers and everything in between.

In it, I show you step by step  how to make a blog you can really be proud of, without wondering what you left out.

When you finish this course, I want your mantra to be:

No  Ugly Blogs (and no boring ones either).

Having a blog that is complete, with no awkward gaps is not enough. Your blog needs substance and style. I show you how to create a blog that talks to your readers and speaks their language. Generous screen shots show you how to post great images and how to get your front page to look “just right” while following best practices for web design and navigation.

We do talk about themes and fonts, but the truth is, the fundamentals of a good blog are so much more than great blog design; of course you want to make sure that you have a menu that is easy to navigate, with no embarrassing gaps. And having a nicely designed blog is great as well. Still, even the jazziest interface and graphics on the planet can not compensate for the lack of this one thing


So what is content? Well, it could be articles, but it could also be eye candy. Like graphics, diagrams, and even videos.  Content doesn’t just have to inform. It can also entertain. And inspire. Content is just anything that your site “contains”.  It’s the content of your website. Which is not to say that you shouldn’t have a lot of meaty articles on your blog. If you dread writing, love writing, or want to know more about the mechanics of great writing, I break it all down for you step by step so you aren’t shooting in the dark when you write. You’ll learn all about connecting with your reader and keeping them engaged, and how to write fresh, meaty content EVERY DAY (really!) without getting burnt out.  Even if you detest writing, or don’t think you can, I’ve got you covered

In “Blogging Basics”, I show you how to prevent embarrassing gaps, design your website head to toe, and yes, even how to write compelling, sharp content.

But this is not some offer where you whip out your credit card, copy my download, and cancel your order. Nope, we’re not doing that game. This is good, good stuff, and I now it.

So how can you access it? I send you a link once you’re money order is processed.

The cost? $150.

Send money order to:

Susan Melin

PO Box 295

Independence, MO. 64050